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Job Announcement – TBCA Projects Coordinator

TBCA is seeking a part-time staff person to coordinate projects and communications. The Projects Coordinator’s primary responsibility will be organizing TBCA’s Teton Pass Winter Ambassador Program. In that capacity, s/he will work closely with TBCA’s team of skilled backcountry ambassadors to promote public education on and around Teton Pass. The job involves scheduling ambassadors, tracking ambassadors’ service, and managing ambassadors’ on-line sign-ups/reporting. The Projects Coordinator will also manage TBCA’s social media communications and other select winter initiatives, such as the Backcountry Film Festival. Applicants should have education and training appropriate for the job, and a general knowledge of winter backcountry travel. 20 to 30 hours a week with flex time. Oct 15-April 15. To apply, send i.) a letter of interest, ii.) a resume with relevant training and experience, and iii.) three references with contact information to Deadline for applications is September 15th. Feel free to write with your questions about the job or TBCA.

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